Sir Richard Brandson -

Sir Richard Branson on Success

[Tweet "To create a business, you've got to initially work day, night & weekends. It's hard work. ~ Sir Richard Branson"]   Invest less than 5 minutes watching this video of Sir. Richard Branson being interviewed by LinkedIn's executive editor Daniel Roth, and learn what Sir Branson would do if he lost everything and had to rebuild his success.   Sir Branson also talks about his involvement with the project The Elders - an independent group of global leaders working together for…
Women Entrepreneurs and Relationships

Women Entrepreneurs and Relationships

Let's Talk About Women and Our Relationships Often switching instantly from one role to another to yet another throughout the day, female entrepreneurs must become adept at managing their distinctly separate relationships – from one moment to the next, sometimes instantaneously. While this ongoing Clark-Kent-becomes-Superman evolution may seem difficult at times, strategies exist for handling it well. A recent study from Jane Out of the Box, an authority on female entrepreneurs, reveals there are five distinct types…
10 Reasons to Be Optimistic Right Now

10 Reasons to Be Optimistic Right Now

Granted, it may sometimes be difficult to look on the bright side of life, but the picture is nowhere as grim as some people are painting it. This really is a wonderful time to be alive, and there is so much for women to be positive about. And I'm not talking about putting on a brave face or making the best of a tough situation. The road to happiness may have a few potholes, but…
Building Your Magnetic Brand

Building Your Magnetic Brand

Regardless of whether you like it or not, you have both a personal and professional brand. Those who come into contact with you are continuously making judgments about you and your professional value that are based on their perceptions of your integrity, ethics, values, etc. Such perceptions can be the result of direct experiences or, more commonly, what people have heard or seen that is related to you or your business. Before we delve into…
Get CPM So Your Business Won’t Need CPR

Get CPM So Your Business Won’t Need CPR

Do you know what are the three things every business needs to have in place in order to be a sustainable, profitable venture? I will give you a hint: Without any one of these three things, your business will SURELY fail. But if you have at least ONE of them in place, you can get the other two. Can you guess what they are? 1. Capitalization Too many entrepreneurs begin their businesses by flying by…
Coaching to Improve Employee Performance

Coaching to Improve Employee Performance

Leadership means leading the company to the right direction, but what if a person seems to be going the other way? Identify the reasons and the different ways to coach employees. According to Florence M. Stone, in his book Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring: How to Choose and Use the Right Technique to Boost Employee Performance-well-versed and highly effective managers are those who clearly understand what works for one employee might not work for the other.…
Collective Action and the Secret Life of Ants

Collective Action and the Secret Life of Ants

Are Collaborations the Next Big Thing in Business? I have been thinking a lot about collaborations in our business model. In today's economy, every business leader should be. But I think what's interesting lies beyond the economic conditions in which we find ourselves. For example, how and why does collective action work? What are the cultural, organizational, and structural antecedents to a successful collective action? Equally as importantly, why do collaborative efforts so often fail?…