MogulMoxie Maven: Avalaura

I’m excited to share with you our interview with MogulMoxie Maven, Avalaura!

I met Avalaura on the now defunct social network for live streaming shows, Blab. I’ve been a guest on her “Boot2Boom” show and she’s been a viewer of the #FaithFocusFlow show I co-hosted on Blab! while it was an active social network.

Avalena is a passionate, full-health professional, providing services that support all aspects of our successful living. Her story will most definitely uplift you!

People’s educational experiences are always interesting!

Tell us about your educational background.

I’m a Licensed Graduate Social Worker with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Howard University. I’m also a trained Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Life Coach and Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Holistic Aromatherapist and Yoga Instructor.

Your educational background reveals your strong interest in healing for the body, mind, and spirit!

Tell us more about your business and career.

I’m an Intuitive Consultant and Life Coach. For over 11 years, I’ve helped people who feel called to do big, great and meaningful work in the world but they’ve given up on their dreams, are suffering in silence and are broken-hearted because they can’t figure out how to create the life they really want by themselves. I help them move from hole to wholeness in their live, relationships and business to live a freedom-focused life full of peace, abundance, and happiness.

I also started a head wrap collection called “Crown by Avalaura” headwraps. I teach women to wrap their hair and host wrap parties. I host the Boot2Boom live streaming show featuring successful entrepreneurs’ stories and expertise, and I host a radio show, “Avalaura Heals Radio,” where I discuss all things related to healing.

I love that you’re helping people move “from hole to wholeness.”

Tell us about what motivates you?

Once I dug deep, knew who I was, and discovered why I was here, I had no choice but to embrace my God-given gifts and talents and answer my calling. Living a life of quiet desperation was far too painful. I had to create a life of passion and purpose. I wish each and every person knew the beauty and the blessing of living in purpose.

And the beauty of living in purpose is something that we can experience on a daily basis!  

Tell us about a typical day in your work life?

There is no typical day! Balance is for ballerinas. I operate within the harmony and flow of my life by surrendering to whatever is happening and choosing to be responsive versus unconsciously reacting. I practice what I preach by committing to daily self-care rituals including prayer, meditation, and gratitude that keeps me laser focused, energized, and grounded. If I’m not right, my business ain’t tight!

I love that each day you practice taking care of yourself! This is so important as we begin to deal with our shortcomings.

Have you ever struggled with confidence and/or courage in your career? Tell us about it and how you’ve overcome the struggle.

Every step of the way. Every time I walk out on the skinny branch and do something new. I overcome through faith and knowing I am living in my purpose. Here’s also the link to my story, the beginning stages. I was not confident at all.

Knowing that you are living your purpose gives you confidence. Powerful!

Share with us one of the toughest things you’ve had to do in business or your career and what you’ve learned from it?

One of my biggest obstacles was being a first generation entrepreneur with no guide, no plan and no real support. I had no idea how to be a successful business woman. I operated on a wing and a prayer for far too long. Until one day I woke up and realized people with far less talent were more successful than me because they had coaches, mentors and a plan for success. My business changed from that day forward.

Congratulations on becoming a successful first generation entrepreneur! You’ve taken the initiative to accomplish so much through creating a business plan — and that’s real Moxie!

You’re obviously ambitious, tell us what ambition means to you? What role has it played in your life?

I know who I am. I know what I want. I am committed to living my purpose and passion. I will do everything in my power to live my dreams. That is ambition — believing and working towards the possibilities when most people give up or never even get started. Actually believing in yourself so much, that you can’t give up on yourself even when you want to. It is in the veins of my existence. It is what I teach my clients. It is the air that I breathe. It is the beat of my heart.

I’m glad you talk about not giving up because so many entrepreneurs give up due to cash flow issues.

Tell us what has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cash flow?

Getting help, and not trying to do it all alone! It’s not always what I want, but I always get my needs met.

Getting help when we need it is key to keeping ourselves moving us forward.

We’d love to hear more about what you have accomplished, created or built that makes you the most proud or brings you the most joy?

My clients! I have helped people who are ready to share their brilliance and their unique greatness with the world. They want Divine Direction. They want to live in the flow of both passion and purpose. They want to follow their heart, ignite their brilliance, achieve their greatness, stand fully in their power and give themselves permission to be who they really are. They want to break open, be free and pull out that untapped potential. They have a yearning, burning desire for something more. And they want to live in unstoppable power and fall madly in love with themselves. And there’s such magic that pours out of them when they give themselves permission to be the person they desire to be. Who they were born to be.

They turn their pain into greatness and move from where they are to where they want to be because not only can they chart the course, but now they know every knot, every decimal, every nook and cranny. They know that every movement will get them there and even when they don’t know, they’ve broken free of needing to know everything. Of trying to control the things they can’t control. These are the men and women that I am called to work with and these are the ways I have helped them truly live their best life. What could be better?

I truly love the passion you express about your clients, which makes me curious about how you see yourself.

Do you consider yourself unusual, strange, weird, or pretty normal?

I just had this conversation with a friend. I’m all of the above, but mostly unique. You will never find another Avalaura and I love that about myself. I love being me — the good, the bad, the ugly, flaws and all.

I appreciate that you use the word “unique” to describe yourself, and your use of that word leads me to a more light-hearted question.

What’s your favorite word and why?

I’m a quote-aholic. My social media is filled with daily quotes I live by from myself and others. So choosing just one word is difficult. So if I had to go with one word, I’d have to choose my Creator, my everything, my best friend, the one who loves me when I am unlovable. God! followed by cool beans, awesome sauce and dope!

I’m sure readers have been moved by what you’ve shared, and they’re curious about what you have going on.

What’s coming up that you want our readers to know about?

  • You can learn about my Crown Tea event at
  • Season 1 and 2 of Avalaura Heals Radio is still available at
  • Join my mailing list to stay in the loop. Join us at

And we want to stay connected! How can our readers keep up with you?

You can find me all over social media …

Avalaura’s absolute dedication to helping people realize their best selves inspires us to reach not only within, but also outside of ourselves.

Here are 3 TAKEAWAYS from our interview with Avalaura you can put to use immediately:

★ Avalaura told us, “I wish each and every person knew the beauty and the blessing of living in purpose.” We can absolutely experience this beauty and blessing as we seek to clarify our own life’s purpose.

★ “I have done and continue to do the soul stirring, life altering inner work that I guide my clients to do.” In these words, Avalaura affirms that the work we have on our hearts for others is also for us!

★ Avalaura encourages us to be unique: “You will never find another Avalaura and I love that about myself.” Our uniqueness is a true gift, so receive it and treasure it!

I hope you enjoyed our interview with Avalaura. Leave a comment and let us know!