MogulMoxie Maven: Lisa Halls

The Power of Facebook:

I’m happy to have connected with Lisa Halls on Facebook one day! I have loved seeing her excitement in her regular posts about publishing her first book. I have also been so moved by her journey of self-discovery and healing through writing her first book. As you will soon learn from reading this interview, Lisa certainly has the #MogulMoxie spirit. It is a pleasure to share a bit of her journey.

The fact that you are reading Lisa’s story here in our #MogulMoxie Maven Spotlight is another example of the power of social networks like Facebook. Keep posting and sharing about the work you’ve been called to do!  You never know who’s listening, watching, being encouraged, being motivated or being inspired  . . .

Tell us about your background, approach to education and your work.

My educational background consists of being a high school graduate, working full time and promoting my book: The Cuts Don’t Hurt Anymore!: From Abuse to Abundance.   A part of my education and work has not only been writing and releasing my first book – but also working on two more books that will be released this year.  Soon, I will be touring with fellow authors in the Authors In Business (AIB) community, which is a book writing community founded by author coach & mentor, Desiree Lee.   I’m also now mentoring and inspiring our youth and adults in helping them find their voice and self-worth.

Mentoring others is a beautiful talent, and writing two more books is phenomenal! I love your ambition — tell us what ambition means to you and the role it’s played in your life.

Ambition to me means so much. No matter what obstacles life throws my way, I will NEVER give up. As I don’t compete with others, I am MY biggest competition. The role that ambition has played in my life is to keep going, and finish what I start.

You’re so right that we have to keep going if we’re ever going to “get there.” What motivates you to keep moving?

What motivates me are my children and my WHY. To be able to continue to show my children, that through the storms and challenges that life throws their way, God reminds us that our story isn’t for us anymore, it is for someone else. I am driven to reach as many people through my message as I can.

We know that our drive and accomplishments flow more easily when cashflow is growing. What has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cashflow?

I’m continuing to book speaking engagements and promote my book!

You are quite a busy lady with a full time job and a new book, tell us what a typical day in your life is like.

On a typical day, I go to work come home and tend to the kids. Being a full time single mom, I make sure my kids are settled to be able to start my other activities. I am either writing, on phone calls, bringing hope and light to someone who feels like giving up, or volunteering at a domestic violence shelter.

Your determination to reach others with your passionate message is pure Moxie! Please share with us how you’ve overcome any struggles with confidence or courage in your life?

When I was younger I struggled with confidence, self worth and truly loving myself. It was when God showed me what my purpose was that I learned to love myself. I was okay with failing because I knew that I failed forward. I learned to pick myself up and keep going. My confidence grew and I became who I am today: a woman who knows her self-worth. Helping and serving others with gaining their self confidence and finding their voice and self worth has helped in building my own.

You’ve gained the self-confidence to accomplish some amazing things for yourself and others! What’s one of the toughest things you’ve had to do in your life, and what did you learn from that experience.

One of the toughest things I have ever done was write my story. I titled my book, The Cuts Don’t Hurt Anymore!: From Abuse to Abundance. Having to relive the darkest of times, the challenges I faced and having to overcome those emotions was extremely difficult. I had fear of sharing my journey with the world, not knowing at the time what I would lose or gain from this experience.

In sharing my story I lost my relationship with my father. I never knew the disappoint he would have in me with sharing my journey, let alone him disowning me. As difficult as that was to accept, I have learned that so many others have been truly impacted and inspired by me having the courage to share my story. A story of Hope, Light, Love, and Triumph.

I am a better person today, because of the self healing I have gained from sharing my story. Finishing this book has been one of my greatest accomplishments. To finish something I have started has been so self rewarding. Meeting so many amazing people that God continues to place in my path has brought me so much joy! Being a part of our Authors In Business community and family, having the support and love from each other, from start to finish of our writing, and beyond.

Wow – such an inspiring journey!  Thank you for sharing your story and your heart with such MOXIE.

I’m curious — as you look over your life, do you ever consider yourself unusual, strange, weird, or pretty normal?

I consider myself unusual. Everyone has a dream, but not everyone is willing to go after their dream, and do whatever it takes to make that dream come true.

You consider yourself to be “unusual,” so now I’m wondering what’s your favorite word and why?

My favorite word is HOPE. Hope was all I ever had to hang onto. Hope is what I want to bring to the others, bringing them light to their darkest of days.

Hope is so important and living a life that serves others.  

Since we’re on the top of service, what awards/honors have you received that make you the most proud?

I became an Amazon Best Seller in less than 24 hours of my book being released, and since then I reached best seller two more times. I am also an international author.

Your being an Amazon “Best Seller” is awesome! Congratulations!

So tell us what’s next for you that you want our readers to know about?

I continue to book speaking engagements for my Amazon best seller – The Cuts Don’t Hurt Anymore: From Abuse to Abundance and I would love to come to your area and share my message with your city!

How can our readers keep up with you?

Readers can order my book on Amazon by clicking here and connect with me on Facebook or Periscope at www.Periscope.TV/Lisa_Halls.

Lisa’s story inspires us to believe that we can overcome lack of confidence and other barriers to our dreams and success! Lisa’s got Moxie!

[Tweet “Moxie = Force of character. Determination. Nerve”]

Her interview leaves us with these remarkable LESSONS LEARNED:

❖ Having a dream is normal; being willing to go after the dream is unusual. Strive to be UNUSUAL!

❖ Lisa describes herself as “a woman who knows her self-worth.” Our self-awareness can give us the confidence to keep making forward strides and to help others along the way.

❖ Lisa says it beautifully: “Our story isn’t for us anymore, it’s for someone else.” We are here to encourage and inspire others.

Up Next – Dr. Vikki Johnson  

Tomorrow we feature another inspiring MogulMoxie® Maven, Dr. Vikki Johnson, who’s a master coach, a fellow co-chair of the Flourish Leadership Conference for Women and founder of Soul Wealth. I’m looking forward to sharing a bit of Dr. Vikki’s incredible story!

Blessings! ~ TC Cooper