The Truth About Being Your Best

Upgrade Your Language; Transform Your Life 
Today we’re talking “About Being Your Best.”

~~~ About Being Your Best~~~

About being your BESTEVEN BAR TALK HAS LESSONS … if you pay attention …

Met a guy while working on my computer at one of my favorite spots (I often work on my computer at the bar in the corner near the outlet).  We start talking about dreams, goals & making the impossible, possible. He shared that he was waiting to learn if he was going to be offered a contract from a professional sports team.  I asked what keeps him viable even as an older athlete.  He says that he’s competitive, loves the game and loves technical parts (my words – not his) of his position.

We talk about what it takes to be viable in such a competitive industry (professional athletics) – mental and physical. He tells me about consistent workouts that contain at least 1000 (yes, ONE THOUSAND) push-ups, sit-ups and/or squats (… and I thought I was doing something at 100 – lol).

I am amazed.

Later, I send a text asking “Can you really do 1000 push-ups in one work-out?” He responds with a picture of his biceps and the question … “Does this look like 1K push-ups?

My response … “Yup, pretty much.


  • This young man is competitive and committed to putting in the work to continue to be competitive in a career that he wants – professional athletics.
  • When I asked if he could and was really doing what he said it takes to win, he didn’t reply with “talk” but by sending “proof” in the form of the results of his action (pretty substantial biceps).


  • If you want to WIN, you’ve got to have a competitive spirit (with yourself, not others), love something about what you are doing, and love what the position you are currently playing gives/teaches you.
  • If you want to WIN, you’ve got to consistently take massive action (like doing 1000K push-ups) that may seem insane or unbelievable to others who are not (or are not headed to) where you want to be – that are designed to lead to measurable results (like the amazing biceps necessary to master handling a ball).
  • If you want to WIN, you’ve got to do what it takes to be ready for the opportunity when it presents itself (like this young man’s opportunity for a private workout with a professional sports team).


Here’s the thing … regardless of whether this young man got the invitation to play or not (and he did), his work ethic and commitment to being at the top of his personal game would eventually lead to success – even if in a way that was different from that he originally imagined.

So there you have … business lessons from bar talk.

By: TC Cooper