Affirmation: I Choose What I Believe

I have the power to choose what I believe.

Your beliefs govern your mindset. Your mindset governs your actions. Your actions govern your result. So, you see, it all starts with what you believe.

Here’s the good news.  You have the power to choose what you will believe.    If you need a little inspiration in keeping your beliefs in line with your vision for success, keep reading.

I recognize the impact my beliefs have on how I feel and behave. Believing something about a situation determines how events progress. What I think and feel about another person affects how I relate to that person. My beliefs in myself determine how I perform.

However, I can choose what I believe. If I want to see a situation differently, I have the power to do so.

My beliefs are particularly important when I am relating to others. If I believe a person has certain qualities, then I assume I know how they think and act. But when I change my mind about someone, I see the person differently, often for the better. I am free to determine what I believe about someone.

My beliefs about myself determine my level of confidence. Whether I am beginning a new project, attending a social event, or experiencing changes in a personal relationship, how my life progresses is largely determined by what I believe. And I am blessed with the power to change how I see things.

Knowing I can change what I believe brings success into my life. Inside myself, I make a decision about what I think is true. But if I observe factors that do not coincide with my beliefs, I change how I view other people and situations based on this new information.

Today, I plan to embrace my power to change my beliefs. I can alter those beliefs that ultimately result in less than ideal situations, relationships, or behavior.

Now that you are on the way to training your subconscious mind to support your vision through the power of affirmation, let’s turn up the heat.  Answer the following questions,  think about your answers and then adjust your behavior as necessary to build your moxie (aka – courage, confidence and swag) and support your mogul aspirations.

  1. Do my beliefs support the vision that I have for my life?
  2. If not, what needs to change?
  3. Have I internalized negative assumptions about what is possible that hinder my success?
  4. If yes, what are these negative assumptions?
  5. What needs to happen to change these assumptions?
  6. What actions will I commit to taking in order to replace the negative assumptions that I’ve identified with positive assumptions that will help me change my belief system?