MogulMoxie Maven: Angel Radcliffe

Catching Up With Angel Radcliffe

In this interview, I’m catching up with Angel Radcliffe, founder and CEO of CAS Consultants.

I first met Angel on Periscope and quickly learned about her commitments to financial literacy, helping people save money, and helping them to become debt free. Since then, Angel has become one of my favorite Scopers to follow.

Angel received her BS in Business Management from Lincoln College and later earned her MBA in Finance from Strayer University.

First thing’s first – thank you for taking the time to talk to me.

Let’s start with something easy: What does ambition mean to you?

To me, ambition means going after what you want, no matter what you endure.”

Great answer! Now, I’d love to hear a little bit more about your business.

What can you tell me about CAS Consultants?

“My company, CAS Consultants, works to empower entrepreneurs through financial management.”

That’s interesting! How do you go about doing that?

“We host workshops, webinars & trainings to ensure proper education of financial management for entrepreneurs.”

All wonderful practices. Can you walk us through a typical day for you?

“My typical day starts at 5 am and ends at 10pm (If I’m lucky). The first part of my day is mostly checking emails, reviewing financial information, and my daily schedule. Throughout the day, I am in meetings, attending networking events, or hosting workshops.”

That’s a long day! What is it that keeps you motivated?

“My future is what motivates me. Sometimes, we can’t see growth in the present, so we have to look forward to the future, the legacy we are building for others to look up to.”

Thinking about your future is great motivational advice. Have you ever reached a point where you struggled with confidence or courage?

“I think every entrepreneur has struggled with confidence in their business at some point. I have struggled with the confidence and courage to keep going when revenues are down. As an entrepreneur, there is no steady income, so you have to be prepared for the downtimes in your business and it’s hard to stay motivated.

How do you get through those periods of doubt?

“I overcome those periods by the positive feedback from my clients, knowing this isn’t the end and also taking time to give back to the community when business is slow.”

Let’s move on to one of your favorite topics – finance. What has enabled you to increase and manage your cash flow?

“The fact that I spent 10 years in corporate America in financial reporting as well as having a degree in finance is a major plus in managing my cash flow. This is something that comes easy to me which may not for other entrepreneurs. One thing I can share about cash flow: You want to steadily increase cash flow, and when cash flow increases, you don’t necessarily increase your expenses.”

Very sage advice – thanks for sharing it. Here’s a fun question:

Do you consider yourself strange, unusual, or relatively normal?

“I consider myself very unusual. I do things outside the norm and try to prove others wrong most of the time.”

Awesome answer! Here’s an interesting one:what have you accomplished, created, or built that brings you a significant amount of joy?

“I am most proud of the release of my book, Ballin’ On A Budget. The book is to help consumers learn to budget and save money.”

I have this book – and a signed copy at that! 🙂Now, accomplishment-wise, what awards or honors have you received that make you really proud?

“I am a recipient of the National Financial Educators Award for 2016. I am proud of this accomplishment because I have been teaching financial literacy for years, not for recognition but to give back, but the fact that so many people and organizations nominated me was a proud moment.”

That’s definitely something of which to be proud! I’ve got one more question before we wrap up:

Is there anything coming up that you think our readers should know about?

“I am kicking off a 10 city tour March 2017 – Nov 2017 composed of workshops & meetups, to help entrepreneurs understand financial management and the importance of recordkeeping.”

Great! I’ll keep an eye out. Thanks again for taking the time to share your story.

If you’re interested in keeping up with Angel, you can follow her at @MissRMBA on Facebook and Twitter or check out her public speaking site,

As is often the case, we had an awesome interview with our MogulMoxie® Maven.

Here are a few lessons that you can take with you from our time with Angel: 

  • Look to the future in order to find your motivation; think about everything that could be.
  • Use any positive feedback you’ve earned in order to combat feelings of inadequacy. I promise, everyone feels this way once in a while.
  • Budget, budget, budget. Even if you start making more money than usual, you don’t necessarily need to increase your spending too.

UP NEXT . . . Dr. Stephanie Burroughs

Tomorrow I have the joy of interviewing MogulMoxie Maven, Stephanie Burroughs. She’s an extraordinary coach, speaker, and trailblazer! She’s also one of my most beloved mentors. I can’t wait to share her incredible story with you!

Blessings!  ~ TC