MogulMoxie Maven: Becky Davis

Welcome our interview with Becky Davis – founder and Chief Bosspreneur of her company, MVPwork LLC.

Becky is a graduate of Odessa College, and holds certification as an Executive Coach, a Life Coach, a Trainer, and a Small Business Coach. We are excited about sharing her journey to success with you.

We are fascinated with women entrepreneurs’ relationship with the word ‘ambition’.

Tell us what ambition means to you. What role has it played in your life?

“I experienced a defining moment in my life when I was discriminated against by my high school dance team for being black. My mother fought for me and I was put on the team because I had performed well enough to make the team. That experience created ambition to be the best to prove that I deserved to be on the team. From that point on, believed that no one could tell me what I was not capable of doing or being. I climbed the corporate ladder quickly because I wanted to be the best at every position I held.”

Wonderful! We love to represent powerful women who succeed despite adversity.

What does it mean to be a Chief Bosspreneur at your company, MVPwork LLC?

“After working in corporate America for over 20 years, building successful teams, and being identified as one of the best coaches and trainers, I decided that I could do it on a larger scale by starting my own company.

I started my business, MVPwork LLC, a coaching and consulting firm for small businesses, four years ago to help women entrepreneurs exponentially increase their revenue. I created a proven system that I now use with my clients to create their own of a kind custom blueprint for business growth, and I love every minute of it.”

What does a typical day in your work life look like?

“A typical day for me starts with prayer and meditation before email or work. It allows me to set the tone for the day. Four years ago, I almost died. That shaped my perspective to live life presently because the future is not promised.”

Wow, it’s certainly true that we must seize our present motivations to achieve our dreams while we’re here.

Tell us about what motivates you.

[Tweet “I am motivated by the lives of the people that I get to help and the ones that I’m supposed to serve in the future. I am passionate about using my skills.”]

When I see other successful women using their skills and gifts to change the world, it motivates me. I also want to be an example to my daughters. I want my kids to be proud of the impact that I make in the world so that they want to do the same in their life.

What is one of the toughest things you have had to do in business? What did you learn from it?

“One of the hardest things I did in my business was to make a major financial investment in the growth of my business. It was hard because it was a lot of money to invest and it was a risk because there was no guarantee that it would benefit my company. I had to pray about it for a minute because it could have set my business back financially. I knew it was time to take my business to a higher level of professionalism, products, and branding.

I did it, and it started well but quickly took a turn for the worse. I had to have some tough conversations with the company I hired, and tell them I would not accept anything but excellence. It turned out for the best in the end, but I learned to speak immediately when I’m not getting what I paid for. I learned to ask for what I want and not to accept excuses when I’m paying for services. That was a great experience for me because it stretched me out of my comfort zone financially and professionally.”

What else has proved useful for increasing and managing cashflow?

“Having more clients. Just kidding, but that does help. I have become very disciplined about what I spend and where I spend it so that I have cash flow. I use a software system to keep up with all expenses and income. If you don’t watch your money, it disappears quickly and you don’t know where.”

Very true! What have you accomplished, created, or built that makes you the proudest or brings you the most joy?

“I’m the proudest of having the courage to jump and live my dreams of having my own business. It brings me joy when I look back on the journey and see where I started and where I am not. To create something from nothing and to watch it grow year after year is humbling to me. I am proud of myself.

I was also selected as a Phenomenal Woman of Influence in Atlanta with former Mayor Shirley Franklin and actress Jasmine Guy. I was so honored to be on the radio with those ladies because they were women whose work I admired.”

Awesome, we love hearing women’s well-earned pride in their successes. On another note, what’s your favorite word and why?

Belief! It determines how you live your life and your outcomes. Whether your belief is right or wrong, it is strong enough to determine your actions. When you have belief in yourself, and in something greater than yourself, it can take you to places you only imagined.”

Do you consider yourself unusual, strange, weird or pretty normal?

“I think I’m normal but most people think I’m different. I’ve dreamed in color since I was a little girl and I just believe that I can live my dreams.”

Yes! Always dream in color. Well, we’re about ready to finish up, Becky, but first, what’s coming up that you want our readers to know about?

“I am starting a 2017 tour called Prayer and Promises BOSS Belief Tour focused on my new book, 40 Days of Prayer for My Business: Think Big, Pray Hard, and Wait Expectantly. We will be hitting Atlanta, Cincinnati, New York, San Francisco, Charlotte, and Dallas. We will end with the conference at the beginning of 2018. I’m excited because, since the book release four weeks ago, I have sold almost 500 books in a month.”

Great! How can our readers keep up with you?

“You can contact me on all my social media @bosspreneur and at my website

As always the case with our #MogulMoxie features, this interview is filled with powerful nuggets of wisdom.

Here are a few key lessons from Becky’s journey that you can implement into your personal and professional life, starting today:

  • Becky learned to speak immediately when she’s not getting what she’s paid for, to ask for what she wants, and not accept excuses when she’s paying for services.

[Tweet “YOU can and should do the same.”]

  • Use a software system to keep up with all expenses and income. Becky says …

[Tweet “If you don’t watch your money, it disappears quickly and you won’t know where it went.”]

Now that you’ve been inspired by our MogulMoxie® Maven – it’s your time. What are you going to do differently in your own life or business? We want to hear about it!