MogulMoxie Maven: Dr. Siobhan France

Meet #MogulMoxie Maven – Siobhan France. 

It’s our pleasure to present #MogulMoxie Maven, Siobhan France – Doctor of Physical Therapy and the author of How to Live a Life of Fitness: The Ultimate Start-Up Guide for Older Adults, available and by clicking here.   She is also an at-home physical therapist for seniors.

Dr. Siobhan is an inspiring woman who is living a life of MOXIE. Her journey from there to here is one is filled with lessons that can help YOU reach your next level of success.

[Tweet “moxie = force of character. nerve. determination.”]

So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in and get ready to fuel your motivation with the golden nuggets of wisdom that Dr. Siobhan shares.  

Let’s get started with a fun topic.

What’s your favorite word and why?

“One of my favorite words is AWESOME – I say this word a lot for EVERYTHING. Everything is awesome to me. I also enjoy telling others how awesome they are.

My favorite cuss word is FUCK. It truly adds emphasis on a statement! haha”

Love those words. 🙂  Here’s another fun, yet informative question –

Do you consider yourself unusual/ strange/ weird or pretty normal?

“I would consider myself unusual. I have always gone against the grain. I have always had thoughts about helping the world and creating a massive impact in others lives. I call that unusual because as a child I was having these thoughts and feelings. I always felt as though I had a higher purpose. It was difficult to have conversations with my friends because others were not thinking the same things. So I kept much of it to myself.”

We started with fun. Now, let’s get a little serious. We know you value both formal and informal educational experiences as much as our #MogulMoxie team does, so let’s go there.  

Tell us about your educational background.

“I earned my doctorate degree in Physical Therapy at the University of Pittsburgh My graduate studies challenged me in more ways than one. I had to overcome adversity due to the color of my skin. I had to show strength and courage to persevere. For me, achieving higher education is about more than earning a degree to get a job, it’s about the journey to better oneself and the world.”

We absolutely agree with your assessment of education. A major way we can make a positive impact is by helping others through our businesses.

So, tell us about your business.

“I actively treat patients in the clinic, and create rehabilitation online-videos to teach active-agers, aged 40-65, how to improve their strength, balance, and flexibility. These videos target the treatment and prevention of joint pain to improve quality of life. I also offer coaching to ensure success of the aging process by teaching my clients how to overcome pain mentally, emotionally, and physically.” You can learn all about Dr. Siobhan at-home coaching services on her YouTube channel by clicking here

It’s clear to us that you are an ambitious person.

What does ambition mean to you? What role has it played in your life?

“Ambition means having an internal desire to improve oneself in order to impact the world. The ambition to improve myself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually has allowed others in my life to reap the benefits as well especially when it comes to their health. Ambition has allowed me to overcome my own fears of making videos and creating programs that others can benefit from to improve their function and reduce their risk of injury and joint pain.”

That’s awesome. You have a lot of great things going on.

We’d love to know about a typical day in your life. Please share. 

“A typical day consists of treating patients in the clinic for 10 hours. To find time for myself, I am an avid gym goer as well. Then I come home to record and edit videos, write blog posts, and engage with my clients.”

Maintaining the physical health of your patients for ten hours at the clinic followed by independent requires dedication!

What motivates you?

“What motivates me is seeing others get results physically, mentally, and emotionally when it comes to dealing with pain. It’s pure joy to give others the hope of improving their health and function so they can avoid falling victim to society, who tells them they are just getting old. I’m also motivated by my parents, who gave me everything they could to have a better a life by immigrating here from Trinidad and Tobago. Lastly, I’m motivated by my internal self.”

Wonderful! Feeling motivated by your internal self is so important.

Have you ever struggled with confidence in your career? 

“When I make videos, I am put myself out there and am subject to anybody’s criticism. Particularly because I am young and teaching active-agers how to get better with age. I’m able to overcome these struggles by recognizing that the information I share is vital. I feel an obligation to share my knowledge so that others can benefit. Confidence and courage have grown to outweigh my fears as I’ve done more for others, especially when I see others truly benefiting.

[Tweet “Confidence and courage have grown to outweigh my fears as I’ve done more for others, especially when I see others truly benefiting.”]

Thanks for sharing your powerful evolution from a focus on self, to focusing on others.  Let’s move to your business.  

What has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cashflow?

“Producing more content, mainly videos, online via blogs. Engaging with my audience and being personable allows them to see I’m a real person with a genuine heart looking to help them.”

Thanks for sharing such actionable tips! We love featuring #MogulMoxie Mavens because you all are such thoughtful and innovative women.

What have you accomplished, created or built that makes you feel the proudest?

“Getting my doctorate in physical therapy opened the door to helping others in the way that I am now. I’m proud of building a platform for active-agers to plug into and learn how to feel better, move better, and age better. The ability to get on video and produce this content brings me such joy especially when others respond with their successes because of it. When I published my first book I was very proud to have put that together and fulfill a childhood dream.”

Congratulations! Let’s continue on this topic of achievement … what awards/honors have you won that make you feel the proudest?

“I was extremely proud when my university invited me back to be their guest speaker and talk to their students and faculty at a major function being held on campus. I’m also proud to recently have been the guest speaker at my high school, The Academy of the Holy Cross, for their Black History Month assembly to the entire school. I’m also proud to be asked to participate in career-days and health fairs in my local community.”

Local involvement and sharing our wisdom with those who are coming behind us is so important. 

What’s coming up that you want our readers to know about?

My online program to help active-agers treat and prevent knee-pain will be launching soon.   In the meantime, readers can connect with me on my website, Facebook page and Youtube channel.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our interview with Dr. Siobhan.

Here are a couple of key nuggets of  wisdom from Dr. Siobhan journey that you can implement into your personal and professional life, starting today:

  • To be the most effective, academic education should be supplemented with maturity and learning real-world skills.

[Tweet “For me, achieving higher education is about more than earning a degree to get a job, it’s about the journey to better oneself and the world. ~Dr. Siobhan”]

  • Engage with your audience!

[Tweet “Being personable allows them to see I’m a real person with a genuine heart looking to help them.”]

Now that you’ve been inspired by our MogulMoxie® Maven – it’s your time. What are you going to do differently in your own life or business? We want to hear about it!