MogulMoxie Maven: Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant

Conversing with MogulMoxie® Maven Dr. Stacie NC Grant.  

It’s my great pleasure to feature MogulMoxie Maven, Dr. Stacie N.C. Grant! Dr. Stacie is a truly remarkable Christ-centered coach, consultant, and mistress of ceremonies. She and I have partnered together on several rewarding projects, including the Wall Street Project Economic Summit. Dr. Stacie is my sister-in-Christ and a sister of my heart. I love and adore her!

Relax and enjoy reading about Dr. Stacie’s inspiring journey . . .

I know you’re passionate about education, so please tell us about your educational background.

One of the most significant things about my educational background has been putting my academic lessons from the classroom into practice in various leadership positions in my extracurricular activities. This started in high school as student council president, then in college as president of multiple organizations including Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and the Black Greek Lettered Organization Council. Leadership & service were two of the most priceless components of my education.

It’s refreshing to hear your perspective that education is much more than just academics, it’s about applying what we learn. This isn’t easy, you have to really want to do this, which shows ambition.

Tell us more about what ambition means to you. What role has it played in your life?

Ambition to me means focusing on how to use your God-given gifts and talents to provide value in the global marketplace. Ambition is the internal drive I have to keep striving for excellence in all my endeavors. I firmly believe that God gave us our talents to USE them and not hide them under a bushel. Ambition is that fire that keeps me taking ACTION!

And that fiery ambition you have to take action has impacted so many people! We’re eager to hear more about your career.

I’m an empowerment strategist for #Faithpreneurs (Faith Based Entrepreneurs), an international speaker, best selling author, trainer, and celebrity guest host. I’m living my divine calling to lead, teach and inspire! The strategic focus of my empowerment platform is executed through Destiny Designers University®, “A classroom without borders, where we graduate to the next best version of ourselves by turning inspiration into results!”

This multi-media platform provides training in life skills, personal growth & development, leadership and presentation skills. It focuses on work readiness and includes an entrepreneur success curriculum. As a result of the training received, this community of Destiny Designers® creates behavioral shifts in their productivity! Results are measured through their ability to identify and purge the distractions in their lives so they can use what God has already given them to take immediate action on their goals and dreams.

I’ve also created a Destiny Designers® Teen Empowerment Series that provides soft skills and life skills training for high school scholars that cultivates independent critical thinking, positive self-esteem, clear and concise communication skills and a sense of community. This work is executed through a multi-media platform, virtual classes, live trainings and my recent book release, Action Action Despite The Distraction: 7 Life Lessons to Thrive & Live Your Destiny Now!

You’re clearly passionate about empowering people to take action toward reaching God’s highest potential for them!

What have you accomplished, created or built that makes you the most proud or brings you the most joy?

My accomplishments include hosting the popular Monday mid-day motivation show entitled “Create Your Own Luck with Stacie N.C. Grant” and the TV pilot “Destiny Designers TV”.

I’m a featured speaker for the Rainbow PUSH Wall Street Summit, FrasetNet Annual Networking Conference, NYC Department of Corrections, Bronx Community College, St. John’s University, Project Enterprise, Mary J. Blige FFAWN Foundation, Women’s Academy of Excellence, The 1209 Affair Success Net Series, Peak Performance Institute, Women Doing It Big Foundation, MACY*S, Celebrity Guest Host for The Network Journal and many more. I’m also one of Les Brown’s notable Platinum Speakers, one of his Expert Trainers and the host of Les Brown Monday Night Motivation calls.

Launching Destiny Designers University has brought me the most joy! Creating this classroom without borders where we turn inspiration into results globally is very humbling. To know that we have inspired ACTION in the live of our #Faithpreneurs is my personal testimony of walking in alignment with God’s assignment for my life.

Dr. Stacie, you’ve got Moxie! and it’s threaded throughout your work and your accomplishments! You have such drive, and we’re always curious . . .

Would you tell us about a typical day in your work life?

My favorite kind of day entails private morning devotion with God, a quick workout outdoors, a healthy breakfast, a power shower with my gospel music blasting, getting dressed in my power colors, having my make up artist appointment, then walking through the door to deliver one of my keynote speeches, facilitate one of my workshops, do my Red Carpet Interviews or be the celebrity MC for a conference or program, having my team on hand to capture the special moments and then returning home to debrief with my family and close the night out with a prayer of thanksgiving for this platform God has given me.

In your favorite kind of day, you’re giving so much of yourself. Have you ever struggled with confidence and/or courage in your career? Tell us about it and how you’ve overcome the struggle.

I used to suffer from the disease of comparison. I would compare my growth and development to that of other people not knowing their story. It caused me to talk myself out of opportunities because I didn’t think I had what they possessed. It took me some time, but through personal development and investing in a coach, I realized that instead of comparing myself to others, I needed to use what inspired me about them to walk in my own destiny. What I had was enough because God blessed me with everything I needed to stand in my own truth, just as He does all of us.

Thank you for reminding us of the pitfalls of comparing ourselves with others. You have a strong internal motivation, so would you please share a little more about what motivates you?

I am motivated by the fact that I stand on the shoulders of my foremothers and forefathers who did so much more with less. I realize I am a beneficiary of their ingenuity and faith and it is my obligation to pay it forward for the future generations after me. Life is a gift and we show our appreciation to God by how we live our lives.

I love how you connect the ingenuity and faith that God placed in our ancestors and then in us, and that now we must pass these gifts on to our future generations. Yet, this isn’t always easy.

Would you share about one of the toughest things you’ve had to do in your career and what you’ve learned from it?

One of the toughest things I’ve had to do is end business relationships that were becoming toxic. I am a very loving person by nature so it is easy for me to put everyone’s feelings ahead of mine and give people the benefit of the doubt. My husband would argue that I do this to a fault so he has to guard my interests. The lesson I learned in these situations is that when people show you who they are… BELIEVE THEM!!

One of the toughest areas for entrepreneurs and business people in general is cashflow. What has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cashflow?

The most helpful way to increase and manage cashflow is to establish a budget, reduce/eliminate unnecessary debt like excess credit cards, and work with a financial planner.

Thank you! Your straightforward advice is so simple and pure, and it’s proven to be effective. Your advice makes me wonder how you see yourself.

Do you consider yourself unusual, strange, weird, or pretty normal?

I consider myself God’s designer original and I know there is no one quite like my mixture of “cray cray” and brains on the planet.

I love your answer and your sense of humor! So let me ask you something fun — What’s your favorite word and why?

ACTION is my favorite word because as Webster’s Dictionary states, it represents the accomplishment of something over a period of time. The word “action” keeps me moving even when I may not feel like it because to whom much is given, much is required. I want my ACTION to create a legacy I can be proud of over a period of my lifetime.

Your lifetime of action is inspiring, and I’m sure many who’ve been inspired by your work have honored you.

Would you share what awards or honors have you received that make you the most proud?

I was honored to be the first African-American Homecoming Queen at St. John’s University, to receive the Outstanding Student Achievement medal at my undergraduate commencement, to receive proclamations from the Office of the New York State Governor, Mayor, Assembly, State Senate, and City Council, and I’ve received numerous leadership awards from local and national organizations.

Thank you so much for pouring yourself out with us in such an inspiring way — and we want to continue being inspired!

What’s coming up that you want our readers to know about?

Join our community to learn about our 2017 book tour by joining our list at

In closing, what else would you like to share that hasn’t been asked?

Gratitude for collaborative relationships with phenomenal women in business like Tasha “TC” Cooper  and the other MogulMoxie® Mavens!

Oh yes, gratitude! I know our readers are grateful for the beautiful, heart-felt sharing of all of our MogulMoxie Mavens!

And I also know that you have a strong social media presence, so how can our readers keep up with you well into the future?

Learn more about Destiny Designers® University and book me for engagements at,  emailing my team at: Booking{@} or contact my office at 718-525-6184 (office).

Find out all about my book Action, Action Despite the Distraction at:

Find me on social networks: 

Facebook:/DestinyDesignU / DrStacieNC Grant

Twitter:@DestinyDesignU and @StacieNCGrant

Instagram: @DestinyDesignU and @StacieNCGrant

Periscope: @StacieNCGrant

Gratitude so beautifully expresses my sentiments about my dear sister, Dr. Stacie!

I’m grateful for the purposeful actions she’s taken throughout her life. There’s so much in her story, here are just a few LESSONS LEARNED:

  • Dr. Stacie expresses the importance of ACTION in our lives. The talents and gifts that come from God are for us to USE. How are you using yours?
  • Creating a lifetime legacy that we can be proud of can be a powerful motivation in our lives!
  • In Dr. Stacie’s words,God blessed me with everything I needed to stand in my own truth, just as He does all of us.” So then, let’s continue to stand in our OWN truth, and not anyone else’s!

UP NEXT: Tomorrow we will hear from MogulMoxie® Maven, Pegine Echevana!

She’s a master speaker and coach that I met through the National Speaker’s Association! Expect to be inspired . . .