MogulMoxie Maven: Joan Thompson Wilson

Meet our #MogulMoxie Maven Joan Thompson Wilson – proven business coach and inspiring speaker!

I’ve had the pleasure of learning about Joan and connecting with her on Facebook.  Grab your favorite beverage, settle in and get ready to be inspired by Coach Joan.

I know education is important to the both of us, so let’s start there.

Tell us about your educational background.

“My most significant experience occurred after I suffered a severe brain injury and the neurologist gave me a grim outlook on my health. Well, I decided to put my brain to the test and went back to college. I got an MBA on top of that brain injury. I decided not to take the report and create an alternative report for my life – which was to live! I felt even more determined when I got my MBA than when I decided that I would go to college as an adult with two small children. It was no easy task, but with hard work, determination, and trusting God, I knew that I would succeed. And you can too!”

Wow, you seem to have approached these obstacles with such grace. Thank you for sharing this story with us.

Tell us about your business.

“I assist authors, coaches, entrepreneurs, and small-business owners with creating engaging content and profitable courses for their businesses.”

Social media has been a game-changer by making it easy for business owners to connect with colleagues, clients and customers.

What do you find most motivating about working with social media?

“My motivation comes from knowing that one idea, shared and implemented, can help to impact a generation.”

Fantastic answer, I agree!  

Tell us about a typical day in your life? 

“I start my day reviewing my client’s social media and web traffic to determine if they are getting significant engagement with their campaigns. The middle of my day is reserved for consultations. The latter part of my day is the best part of my day — working with my coaching clients. We have fun, strategize, and create content to drive more people to their website, programs and, opt-ins. Afterward I get to hit the gym and talk with my family.”

You’ve clearly demonstrated your resilience in building your business.

Have you struggled with confidence as an entrepreneur? What advice can you offer for overcoming this struggle?

“Initially, I found it hard to go from corporate to full-time entrepreneur. There was no automated check every two weeks, which was my safety net. I knew that if I could give corporate American my time and freedom, then I could create a life for myself. Although, this may sound clichéd, I did it afraid. I took the necessary steps to network and I invested money in coaching and training.”

In addition to coaching and training, managing cashflow is essential to building a sustainable business. What has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cashflow over time?

“I use one credit card for all my business transactions, which provides me an itemized statement at the end of the year. Not my personal credit card, not my personal bank account. I treat my business like a business.”

Fantastic advice, thanks for sharing it. As we continue to get into the nuts and bolts of business basics – I’d like to know … what is the toughest thing you’ve had to do in business?

“The toughest thing I had to do in business was to charge my worth and stop working for free. Mostly, to people that considered me to be their friend. I had to explain that I run a business, and, the same way they go to the grocery store knowing that they cannot consume food without payment, they could no longer consume my knowledge without paying.”

This is a hard truth that all entrepreneurs need to hear. There just isn’t enough time or resources to run a successful business when you’re constantly working for free. 

Moving away from the topic of facing challenges, tell us about what award you’ve won that makes you the proudest?

“Being featured in Black Enterprise was the highest esteem I have received to date.”

That’s awesome! 

What is coming up for you that you would like our readers to know about?

“I have a Content and Course Automation Bootcamp happening on April 7th and 8th in Maryland. I will be providing hands-on instructions on how to create engaging content, develop profitable courses and even turn your book into a business. And, what’s even better is that I’ll be sharing how to automate it all!”

This sounds fantastic! How can our readers keep up with you?

Facebook:  Joan Wilson
Twitter       @bjoanwilson
Instagram: bjoanwilson

Joan shares so much wisdom in this interview! Here are a few key lessons that you can implement into your personal and professional life, starting today:

❖ Charge your worth and “stop working for free.”

❖ Keep your business expenditures separate from your personal bank account and credit card. “Treat your business like a business.”

❖  Use engaging content to increase your web-traffic and better reach your audience. Hire professional help when you need to, and remember that “one idea, shared and implemented, can help to impact a generation.”

Now that you’ve been inspired by our MogulMoxie® Maven – it’s your time. What are you going to do differently in your own life or business? We want to hear about it!