MogulMoxie Maven: Parchelle Hotten

Welcome to this week’s MogulMoxie feature interview with Parchelle Hotten.  Parchelle is the Owner and Senior Video Marketing Strategist at her company, Fresh Level Productions. Parchelle received her Bachelor’s in Mathematics from Virginia Tech, and her Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction form Virginia Tech. Her book, From Educator to Entrepreneur, will be released this Fall,

MogulMoxie: Welcome, Parchelle. Thank you for speaking with us! Tell our readers about Fresh Level Productions.

Parchelle Hotten: “I own a video marketing agency, where we help businesses and organizations gain more clients with the strategic use of today’s most popular marketing tool – video. We currently operate in two locations and are expanding to a third in 2018.”

MogulMoxie: Excellent. What does a typical day in your work life look like?

Parchelle Hotten: “I typically wake up before sunrise, and spend some time on myself by meditating, writing my goals, and engaging in some physical activity. After that I head into the office, review all the things I need to accomplish, highlight the top three, and then attend to emails, meetings, or conference calls. Afterwards, I head back home, spend some time with my husband, and unwind with Hulu. 😊”

MogulMoxie: What has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cashflow?

Parchelle Hotten: “A change in my mindset about money and how to structure our business model to go after fewer, higher-paying clients has been helpful to me.

MogulMoxie: Have you ever struggled with confidence or courage in your career? Tell us about it and how you’ve overcome the struggle.

Parchelle Hotten: “I’ve struggled with confidence when pricing our services or sitting in front of a group of people that don’t look like me. Over time, I’ve overcome that struggle by focusing on the positive feedback and response I’ve gotten from clients that we’ve helped. Being reminded of those moments encourages me to show up more confidently in those situations.  I’m motivated by the spark, or ‘click’, that happens in someone’s demeanor when I brainstorm, explain an idea, or give a strategy that will help them in their business.”

MogulMoxie: Great! In a similar vein, what does ambition mean to you? What role has it played in your life?

Parchelle Hotten: “Ambition, to me, means seeing a vision of your future self, as if it’s today. In my life, I see what’s possible and remember that what I desire, I already have. This has played a tremendous role in my life and business.”

MogulMoxie: What’s coming up that you want our readers to know about?

Parchelle Hotten: “I’m releasing a book this Fall, From Educator to Entrepreneur. I’m still working on finalizing the subtitle.”

We hope you have enjoyed our interview with Parchelle Hotten. Here are two golden nuggets of wisdom from our time with her that you can implement into your personal and professional life, starting today:

• Overcome self-doubt by focusing on positive feedback from clients.
• When inspiring yourself, envision your dreams for your future-self as though you are living them now.

Now that you’ve been inspired by our MogulMoxie® Maven – it’s your time. What are you going to do differently in your own life or business? We want to hear about it!”