MogulMoxie Maven: Natalie Kawai

Get to Know MogulMoxie Maven Natalie Kawai

The MogulMoxie® Maven series is all about celebrating women who boldly live their lives. MogulMoxie® Maven Natalie Kawai is doing just this, using her force of character, determination and nerve to share her message.

Natalie is a Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She studied literature, art, and law at the University of Geneva. Additionally, she studied piano at the Academy of Music of Geneva. She now runs her own business, Key Productions Inc.

Let’s begin with an introduction. Tell us about yourself and why you started your business.

“I was an artist and musician in Geneva. I ran an interior design business, but my heart was yearning for more. I came to the U.S. to venture in another culture and see what the Spirit of America was all about. I was drawn to Honolulu, Hawaii and that’s where I discovered that I was a Spiritual Teacher and Healer. This was my true calling. And I went for it!”

That certainly takes MOXIE! What motivates you?

“My passion is to guide people to their ultimate truth. My motto is ‘Go Deep or Go Home!’ I am passionate about helping people to evolve, to transform their limitations to more freedom, consciousness, and presence. Like many people these days, I want to contribute to a better planet. I want humanity to be grander, more fulfilled, more truly loving.”

Contributing to a better planet by helping others is certainly a noble pursuit!Tell us about your clients. 

“I help high-achievers. People who are successful and still feel a lack of fulfillment inside. They crave to have more impact in the world, overcome apparent limitations and grow in the evolutionary journey of life.

Thanks to my clairaudient communication with Source, I activate the fullness of their power by connecting them to the depth of their Source. I teach them how to become whole and thus fulfilled. I spend all my time digging and communicating with divinity through my clairaudience to find the answers to my questions. I’ve found lots of answers that help me guide myself and my clients. I always want to know more, to be of more help.”

And what about finances? What has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cashflow?

“I have mostly been focused on inner development, so that absorbed all my energy. I knew that to manifest what I really wanted, I had to first be in complete alignment with my Source. It is time to focus on outer success and cashflow after feeling ready and solid within.”

Have you ever struggled to maintain your confidence?

“Of course. This is my journey. I was powerful and courageous, but shaky inside with my self-confidence. To overcome that challenge I decided to find out why I felt like that. I sought for answers about why we are here, why we feel the way we do, and the purpose of everything.”

Excellent! You speak of power and courage… what part of business brings you the most joy?

“Finding the freedom to express our humanity because we are connected 100 percent with our divinity. Every time someone breaks through its gives me profound joy.”

Is there anything coming up for you that our readers might like to know about?

“I have created a program to liberate people from the shackles that impede their true and divine identity to flow through them and create the well-being they are supposed to feel. It will fasten the process for people to come into wholeness and feel their Source in their body.”

Here’s how you can keep up with Natalie:


Our interview with Natalie is filled great tips for building the Moxie needed to follow your calling.  

Here are a couple of our favorites: 

• Remember to check in with yourself periodically to see if you enjoy what you’re doing. Natalie found her true calling by igniting a major change in her life and moving to another continent!

• Introspection is key to a self-fulfillment. Feeling happy while successful requires peace within one’s self, which can depend on addressing deep-seeded doubts and questions.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our interview with Natalie. Leave a comment and let us know!