MogulMoxie Maven Robyn Hatcher

Meet MogulMoxie® Maven, Robyn Hatcher, founder and president of SpeakEtc. She’s also the author of Standing Ovation Presentations.

Robyn received her BFA in theater at Adelphi University in Long Island. Along with her expertise in communications, Robyn has interdisciplinary experience in brain science and acting. She also spent two years writing for the Soap Operas All My Children and One Life to Live.

As you can tell, Robyn has a fascinating background. So … grab your favorite beverage, settle in and great ready to be inspired by the life journey of MogulMoxie® Maven Robyn Hatcher.

Let’s start with your business. Tell us about SpeakEtc.

“I work with business leaders, inside and outside of their organizations, who need to be more powerful, engaging and confident communicators. I do this by providing dynamic, interactive keynote speeches, training programs, and one-on-one coaching programs. Many other communication experts deliver the same ‘What’ that I do, but few are well-versed in the ‘Why’ and the ‘How.’

My study and knowledge of brain science enables me to share very specific scientific evidence and techniques to help individuals understand and shift the way they approach the ‘science’ of communication. My acting and writing experiences have given me creative tools and techniques to help develop the ‘art’ of communication.

My clients come from very diverse backgrounds and occupations. I’ve worked with clients in financial services, marketing and communication, human services, medicine, and education. Titles range from CEOs to small-business owners, entrepreneurs, job seekers, and students.”

Your commitment to learning is ambitious. What does ambition mean to you?

“To be honest, I think I got an unspoken message that ambition was a ‘dirty’ word early on. I conflated its meaning with aggression, so it took me a while to embrace my ambition. Now I see it not as striving to outdo anyone else, but as honoring the gift that I was given.”

It’s unfortunate that so many women feel pressure to mitigate their ambition so they considered aggressive. It’s inspiring that you’ve grown to feel confident in honoring your skills.

How have you learned to overcome the struggle to feel confident?

“I practice what I tell many of my clients to do, which is to make a ‘brag list,’ or, a list of all of your incredible accomplishments. I also meditate, read client and customer testimonials, and have an accountability group. Three other entrepreneurs and I meet once a week via Skype to keep each other on-task and support each other.”

It’s always fantastic to hear about entrepreneurs supporting one another.

What have you accomplished that makes you feel proudest or the most joy?

“I have to say that my proudest, proudest accomplishment is having raised a son who went to all public schools in NYC and then onto Yale University where he studied economics. He was drafted by the Cincinnati Reds baseball team his junior year and has been a minor-league pitcher for over 5 years getting his Yale degree along the way.

I’m also extremely proud of having written a book on presentation skills, Standing Ovation Presentations, that was published in 2013 by Motivational Press. For the book, I created my own unique communication style assessment which I call ActorTypes. I even created a quiz which people can take online that will help them identify their ActorType. The book combines knowledge from my years as an actress and television writer with my knowledge as a communication skills expert.”

Fabulous! What about awards or honors?

What have you won that makes you the proudest?

“I won a ‘Best Supporting Actress’ award at a film festival for a short film that I was in. That was cool. Unfortunately, I had so little faith that I would win that I didn’t go to the ceremony!”

That’s a great lesson on the importance of belief, confidence and faith. You’re so accomplished in so many different areas.

What’s coming up next that you want our readers to know about?

“To share my training with more and more people, I’m developing some online and off-line courses. One will be an online course on Networking. I’m calling that Networking Work-Out. It will be eight modules that cover: the networking mindset, how to create an engaging Intro-mercial (my name for the elevator pitch), body language and vocal tips, and how to work the room.

My second course will be an in-person, four-hour course that will focus on creating a ‘Signature Speech’ called ‘Speaking YOU.’”

I’d love to know more about your programs. Tell us about SpeakingYOU.

“‘Speaking YOU’ is a small, hands-on course that delves into discovering your unique story, or your ‘why’. Then we will focus on organizing ‘why’ in an engaging and impactful way. There will also be the option of a delivery day, when participants will be videotaped in front of an audience.”

Sounds interesting! I’m sure our readers would like to stay updated on the details. How can we keep up with you?

Twitter: @SpeakEtc
Facebook: SpeakEtc.
LinkedIn:  Robyn Hatcher

This has been another fantabulous MogulMoxie® Maven interview filled with tremendous wisdom!

Here are a few golden nuggets from Robyn’s journey that you can implement into your personal and professional life, starting today:

• Combine your talents to be a unique asset to your clients. Robyn’s speeches and coaching combine her knowledge of communication with her knowledge of brain science, acting, and writing.

• Own your ambition. It’s not anyone else’s place to conflate your drive for success with aggression.

• Join or start an accountability group. Robyn meets with three other entrepreneurs each week to provide support and keep each other on-task. Community is key to accelerated growth!

Now that you’ve been inspired by Robyn’s journey – it’s your turn. How will what you’ve learned here impact your actions in life and business? Let us know. We want to hear from you!