Do I Have To Pay Mentors for Help?

Do I Have To Pay Mentors for Help?

While some mentors will help you grow your business with free high-quality advice, other mentors require payment for their time and counsel.  Usually, for startup companies, these kinds of mentorship opportunities are compensated through equity rather than through cash, as most startups are cash poor.  If you're trying to attract mentors to your company who require equity as payment you're likely wondering ... how much equity is fair? The Amount of Equity Depends on Your…
Are Startup Incubators Right for You?

Are Startup Incubators Right for You?

A unique form of mentorship available to entrepreneurs is incubators. Incubators combine traditional investing with a streamlined mentoring process to help take newbie entrepreneurs from idea to success.   What is an incubator? Is incubator mentorship right for you? Let's take a look.   The Basics An incubator is a business coaching experience often run by very successful entrepreneurs or investors. Often times, the incubator will provide $10,000 to $30,000 in funding or services and…
Learn How to Get More Organized

Learn How to Get More Organized

Get Organized to Increase Your Productivity:  A lot of people have trouble being organized. These people also very often have trouble getting things done on time.  If you want to be more productive, you've got to become organized. One way to overcome disorganization is to establish goals for things you want to accomplish in the short and long term. Make a List The easiest and fastest way to start incorporating goals into your life requires taking time right before or after your…
11 Quotes to Increase Your Confidence and Build Your Moxie

11 Quotes to Increase Your Confidence and Build Your Moxie

The Power of Quotes   The inspirational words of others are powerful tools we can use to encourage, inspire and help ourselves become more of who we were  born to be. Courage, confidence, and moxie are essential to finding & creating success in our professional life.   Let the following quotes help you tap into the power that is within you - so you can do the Work that you've been called to do with…
Your Business Is Not A Hobby

Your Business Is Not A Hobby

If you want your business to be as successful and profitable as it can be, stop treating it like a hobby. Do a fast search on Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine and you’ll find tons of resources claiming to help you “make money online.” You'll read about success stories, people who have tried and failed, and others who will tell you that all work-from-home, multi-level marketing, or any other non-traditional work arrangement…
Words Matter:  Expectation

Words Matter: Expectation

Upgrade Your Language; Transform Your Life  Let's talk about the word "Expect" ~~~~~EXPECT~~~~~ Expect that you will WIN. Expect that your prayers will be ANSWERED. Expect that people will be SERVED by your MESSAGE. Expect that your Facebook Ads will result in inquires from IDEAL clients. Expect that your website will ATTRACT and SERVE your ideal clients. Expect that lives & businesses will be TRANSFORMED because of your work. Expect that your business or career…
About being your BEST

The Truth About Being Your Best

Upgrade Your Language; Transform Your Life  Today we're talking "About Being Your Best." ~~~ About Being Your Best~~~ EVEN BAR TALK HAS LESSONS ... if you pay attention ... Met a guy while working on my computer at one of my favorite spots (I often work on my computer at the bar in the corner near the outlet).  We start talking about dreams, goals & making the impossible, possible. He shared that he was waiting to learn…
Words Matter: ACTION

Words Matter: ACTION

Upgrade Your Language; Transform Your Life  Let's talk about the word "Action" ~~~~~ACTION ~~~~~ Reaching new heights of success requires a series of consistent actions. Action in prayer. Action in meditation. Action in marketing. Action in making offers. Action in converting offers to clients. Action in creating content. Action in building relationships. Action in studying your craft. Action in making more offers. Action in helping people out by sharing your knowledge. Action in having faith in…
DO is the operative word …

DO is the operative word …

Upgrade Your Language; Transform Your Life  Today we're talking "About Doing it" ~~~ About DOING IT~~~ WHY ARE YOU DOING "IT"? Jumping on the bandwagon. Keeping up with the Joneses. Feeding your ego. Avoiding confrontation. Avoiding the truth. Hiding the truth. Because you just don't know what else to do. These are popular excuses (disguised as reasons) to do IT. NONE of them will add value to the lives of your clients, customers, families and…
4 Steps to Create Inner Peace

4 Steps to Create Inner Peace

Your life’s journey has probably thrown a curveball or two along your way. You've likely had times when you felt uneasy and nervous about things that have happened in the past and also ways to come. This kind of uneasiness can and often does lead to inner turmoil. It's completely natural to be impacted by what's going on around you; however, your environment does not have to negatively affect your inner peace. You can experience…