MogulMoxie Maven: Lesley Bohm

Meet MogulMoxie Maven and photographer extraordinaire, Lesley Bohm. 
Lesley was the very first professional photographer I hired after upleveling my business in 2009. I discovered her amazing work because she was the photographer of women like Ali Brown and Melanie Benson, who were rockstars in Internet Marketing when I first learned about coaching and online business – and are still trailblazing.   Melanie will be featured later in this series – so stay tuned.

Lesley is one of my ‘sheros’ in business for the way she uses the Internet to attract, convert and inspire clients through her work of photography.  She attended the Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, CA, and has been awarded as the Los Angeles Headshot Photographer of the Year.  She’s also had an incredible journey in business.

So …. grab your favorite beverage, settle in and get ready to be inspired by #MogulMoxie Maven Lesley Bohm. 

Let’s start with an introduction. Please tell us about yourself and the start of your business. 

“I have a photography business, LESLEY BOHM PHOTOGRAPHY, in Los Angeles. I started it in the early 90s and have kept it thriving for over 25 years through many turns in the economy and the entertainment business. I shoot high-end portraits and work for a plethora of magazines and clients.”

Fantastic! Tell us about your typical clients. 

“My clients are primarily in the entertainment, corporate, and publishing businesses. I also shoot brand-marketing images. Ultimately, the portraits or images I shoot help people to tell their stories.”

It sounds like you enjoy your work. 🙂 What motivates you? 

“I absolutely love what I do. I am in a heart-based business but I make sure that I run my business so that I am profitable. For me, to invest in my business by putting time in to create a beautiful portfolio or website or promotional piece is motivating.”

It takes skill to succeed in building a profitable business. 

What techniques have you learned for managing your cashflow?

“The most valuable thing I have found is to keep growing as an individual. Keep growing your business and raising your rates as you grow in both spirit and business. I know the value of hiring an expert when I don’t want to waste time figuring out something that I can hire someone else to do.”

Thanks for sharing that insight!

What kind of jobs do you typically delegate? 

“I keep a studio assistant. I hire a bookkeeper, a studio manager, and assistants as I need them on a job-by-job basis.”

You started your own business when there were very few female photographers working in LA.

Have you ever struggled with having the confidence to build and grow your business?

“Sometimes during the journey I have had a hard time going out and pushing my work on new clients. I know I am helping my clients to see themselves in a different and beautiful way, and I love making people see how truly beautiful they are. People have told me that my images have been life-changing. That is what makes me overcome the struggle of marketing myself to new people.”

It’s inspiring to hear that your confidence has come from your ability to show people their true beauty.  The majority of our readers are professional and young women.

Is there a message you would like to share around this topic with them?

“I have two daughters who are now in their late-teens, early-twenties. I am proud to say that I have brought them up to respect themselves and to think of themselves as possible business owners who can bring relevance to any project or situation that they find themselves in. The world is hard, especially for women in certain professions, but they can persevere and be successful in their own right.”

Thank you for sharing a part of your life’s journey with us.

Is there anything coming up that you want our readers to know about?

“I have a book cover coming out this month. Miracle Mindset, by JJ Virgin, features my photo of the author on the front, and I have some new magazine work coming out on the newsstands.”

Sounds exciting! What do you enjoy most about sharing your images?

“I love to see my images used in the way that they were meant to be, on a website or on the cover of a magazine. It still gives me a thrill.”

It been a pleasure to feature Lesley Bohm as a #MogulMoxie Maven.

Here’s how you can keep up with her.


Email: lesley {@}

Lesley shared lots of wisdom in her interview with us.

Here are a few key lessons that you can implement into your personal and professional life, starting today:

❖ Be willing to invest in yourself so you grow along with your business.  Hire an expert to help you when you need it.

❖ Be confident that your work matters and be courageous enough to market yourself.

Remember Lesley’s words …

“The world is hard, especially for women in certain professions, but they can persevere and be successful in their own right.”

Now that you’ve been inspired by our MogulMoxie® Maven – it’s your turn. What are you doing to do differently in your life or business?  Leave a comment. We want to hear from you!