MogulMoxie Maven: Dr. Vikki Johnson

I’m thrilled to introduce Dr. Vikki Johnson, our featured MogulMoxie Maven!

Dr. Vikki is a master coach and founder of Soul Wealth Academy and Soul Wealth Foundation. We met when we co-chaired the Flourish Conference for Women in Leadership, a truly wonderful conference founded by Dr. Rachel Talton, who I met in 2009 on Twitter at 2 AM (LOL)!

I’m daily amazed by the power of Twitter, which made possible the encounter that Dr. Vikki and I made at the Flourish Conference — an encounter that has grown into a beautiful connection!  You’ll learn more about Dr. Rachel and the Flourish Conference for Women in Leadership later in this series.

In this post, grab your favorite beverage, settle in and let Dr. Vikki’s story encourage and inspire your journey to YOUR next level of success. 

I believe in the power of becoming educated, so let’s start there. Tell us about your educational background or approach to education.

I’m a graduate of Howard University with a B.A. in Broadcast Management/Business; Calvary Bible Institute with a Certificate in Biblical Studies; Honorary Doctorate of Divinity, Canadian International Chaplaincy Academy, and a LOT of life experiences.

One of the most significant things about my time being educated are the relationships that turned into lifetime friendships! Through the ups and downs of being away from family and away from home it was reassuring to “create family & community” with people who encouraged, motivated, and supported my pursuit of becoming a better person.

I love that your life pursuit has been about becoming a better person! 

What does ambition mean to you and what role has it played in your life?

For me, purpose and creativity drive my ambition. I must have a “cause” to stay engaged in a way that really makes an impact. If I don’t believe in something it is difficult for me to fight for it or to make necessary sacrifices on its behalf. So ambition is secondary to my why.

And your “cause” is clearly evident through every aspect of your professional life!

So, let’s talk about it. Tell us more about your career and business.

This is a loaded question (smile). My career turned business, spans almost 35 years in music, sports, entertainment, media, community advocacy, ministry and mentorship.

I spent 18 years at a major media network and created an Emmy Award-winning grassroots media campaign that reached and impacted the lives of millions of people. I am a financial educator licensed in over 15 states as a life insurance/annuity producer. I’m also a TEDx and national speaker, best selling author (working on my 11th book now). 

About three years ago, I created Soul Wealth Academy to mentor women into breaking up with the status quo in their lives to pursue passionate living! I’ve recently added Soul Wealth Foundation. The mission/purpose of SWF is to strengthen multi-generational relationships among women through strategic media campaigns, community advocacy and collaborative partnerships. Soul Wealth is abundance, compassion, authenticity with yourself, then others.

Additionally, I have Soul Wealth Tees and a Soul Wealth Home Collection (candles, scented shea butter, room sprays) to inspire women to create “sacred spaces” to practice radical self-care. My heart beat however is SACRED SISTERHOOD.

I started a quarterly gathering for women “Girl Talk” in 2000 while doing a daily radio feature for seven years called “I’m Every Woman.” In 2011, it evolved into “Girl Talk Unplugged – A Sacred Sisterhood” now an online community.

[Tweet “Everything I do is to empower, encourage and edify women to be great in the mirror first, then in the marketplace. ~ Dr. Vikki”]

You’ve definitely got Moxie! and it shows in the richness of all you’re doing to help women empower themselves and others!

Before you tell us about the substance of your work, I’m wondering, how do you move through your day? Tell us about a typical day in your work life.

That’s funny! I wake up to do my morning meditation. After some quality quiet time I write out my “To Do List” for the day then post on my social media. After that I meet clients and mentees, then mail out product orders.

And as you move through your day, do you ever struggle with confidence or courage? If so, tell us how you overcome those struggles.

Yes, I have struggled with confidence and courage because at one point I did a lot of comparing myself to what others “appeared” to be doing. Comparison is the THIEF of confidence! I also was intimidated by technology innovation feeling like I couldn’t keep up. The world was/is always several steps ahead of me and when I catch up, it feels like everyone has moved on. For example, when I finally got an email, people were on MySpace. When I decided to join MySpace, people had already shifted to Facebook, then Twitter, then IG, etc.

I LOVE hearing your honesty about keeping up with social media! You absolutely inspire us because you ARE tapping into the power of social media!

And so what keeps you going, what motivates you?

What motivates me is knowing someone’s life has been made better because our paths crossed. Fun also motivates me and the older I get, money to be more generous motivates me!

You just hit on something huge — money is actually a motivator for many of us.

What has been helpful to you in increasing and managing your cashflow?

I absolutely HATE owing people money or favors. One of the toughest things I’ve had to do is pay a substantial financial obligation due to me “not minding my own business” and trusting that others had my best interest at heart – when what they truly had was a vision for leveraging the favor on my life. SIGH! Tough and expensive lessons but unforgettable gifts.

Having mentors and other people around me who are smarter than I am helps. It is also important to remain accountable and consistent, as well as streamlining my focus to work on a few (instead of many) things at once.

It’s wonderful that you see tough lessons as “unforgettable gifts.”

With your passion and all that you’ve learned, do you consider yourself unusual, strange, weird, or pretty normal?

TOTALLY unusual to the point that I feel like I’m from another planet sometimes (LOL). I am a deeply critical thinker and visionary which means I am always thinking about what’s next. That can be a blessing and a burden. It is a wonderful way to create opportunity and overwhelm simultaneously. I have never “fit in” and probably never will.

I’m not surprised at all that you consider yourself a critical thinker & visionary! With that being said, what’s your favorite word?

Serendipity ~ It is the story of my wonderful life!

And in your rich life of serendipity, what have you accomplished, created or built that makes you the most proud or brings you the most joy?

My daughter is my greatest accomplishment and brings me the most joy Creating #SoulWealth is very fulfilling. I’ve also developed and grown an HIV/AIDS Campaign to international acclaim and written national best selling books.

When you described your career you highlighted so many accomplishments!

What awards or honors have you received that you are most proud of?

An Emmy Award for “Best Public Service Campaign,” and a Public Service Award from the African American Research Library Community.

What’s coming up that you want our readers to know about?
Stay tuned by Fall 2017 for my next book, Soul Wealth: Finding Abundance, Compassion, Authenticity In The Midst Of Chaos.

What else would you like to share that hasn’t been asked?
My absolute favorite things are the beach, the spa, the movies, reading books and travel!

How can our readers keep up with you?

Please join my mailing list at to connect with the Soul Wealth Community. You can also connect with me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


I hope you’ve been as inspired by our MogulMoxie® Maven, Dr. Vikki Johnson!

Here are a few “gold nugget” TAKEAWAYS from her journey:

❖ Dr. Vikki’s many accomplishments include embracing the power of social media! This was tough for her, but she kept learning because she knew her social media knowledge and activity would help her reach her goals and many more people! We can all be inspired and follow Dr. Vikki’s lead!

❖ Purpose and creativity drive ambition. So, if we make sure we have a clarity of our purpose and allow our creativity to flow, we will have the ambition we need to meet our goals.

❖ Dr. Vikki says, “Comparison is the THIEF of confidence!” Each of us is uniquely gifted and talented, so our best way forward is to seek to be the best that WE can be.

Up Next — Dr. Stacie NC Grant

Tomorrow we’ll feature another MogulMoxie Maven, Dr. Stacie NC Grant, a phenomenal Christ-centered coach, consultant, master mistress of ceremonies and a dear friend!  I can’t wait to share her story with you!

Blessings! TC